Tuesday 12 February 2013


So, I thought I would start this blog with what I believe ‘oneness’ actually is. What does it mean to be ‘one’? How can everything be one when we can see the individuality of everything? From other humans, animals and plants to individual molecules and particles, using our eyes everything sure doesn’t look like one, it looks like many. Using our noses everything sure doesn’t smell like one, it smells like many. Using our ears everything doesn’t sound like one, it sounds like many. At any one time each one of these senses is bombarded with many different, seemingly separate ‘things’. To truly understand oneness, I don’t believe we can use our eyes, our noses or our ears. We have to use our hearts. It is in our hearts that we find oneness. Due to the unique nature of reality, the gift of free will and our own individual perspectives we might have slightly different ideas as to what oneness actually is or might be. I am going to try and describe what oneness is to me.

Oneness is the recognition and acceptance that everything is connected. From the smallest particle to the largest sun, everything is really one ‘thing’ that I simply call the ‘universe’. Using our ‘normal’ senses everything looks, smells and sounds ‘separate’, and this is part of the grand illusion that we live in. You see, this reality is not real. Science has told us that an atom is 99% empty space. Seeing as you and everything else ‘physical’ is made of atoms that means you too are 99% empty space. This also means the chair you are sat on is 99% empty space, and the house you live in is 99% empty space. Weird huh?

So, if that’s the case what makes up the other 99% we say is empty space? Well the truth is, we don’t actually know just yet. Or at least ‘science’ doesn’t know. There are many theories, from ‘quantum foam’ and ‘strings’ to simply ‘energy’. What we do know is that ‘something’ is definitely there. We can’t see it, but if we use our hearts then we can feel it. Whatever it is, it is the container that contains everything we can see, smell, touch and hear, and it actually makes up the majority of what we call ‘reality’. It is the source of all that is and ever has been. It is the source of everything that ever will be. It is the source of our consciousness, it IS pure consciousness. It is the true 'reality' that the reality we see with our 5 senses springs from. Gregg Braden calls it the ‘Divine Matrix’, David Wilcock calls it the ‘Source Field’, I call it simply the ‘universe’; intelligent, aware and conscious.

A good analogy is to imagine a river or ocean. Imagine the swirls and whirls that you see in the water…. Each swirl and whirl is unique and separate in its own right, and yet not at all separate from the river or ocean. That is exactly like our reality. Every single person, animal, plant, particle and molecule is simply a swirl in the ocean of consciousness called the universe, each one lasting a certain period of what we perceive as ‘time’, before disappearing again into the grand flow of the ocean of consciousness, only to reappear again at another time in a different form. And on and on it goes. The flow of the universe. The flow of consciousness.

Using this analogy, we can see how we are ‘one’. We can perceive ‘oneness’ in respect of us as ‘individuals’. We are simply swirls of divine consciousness, having an experience as a human being, before disappearing into the flow of the universe, returning when we are ready for another experience as a swirl or a whirl, ready to learn more about ourselves and take what we learn back to source, back to the one original consciousness that created all things. For that is what we truly are, a fragment of the one original consciousness that is currently beyond our understanding. We are getting there though, we are awakening to our true selves, and we are realising that in order for us to go on as a race we need to acknowledge that we are one, and that what affects one affects all. Acknowledging we are one means you would never harm another, for you would realise that you are actually harming yourself! Acknowledging we are one means an end to war, an end to poverty, an end to disease and an end to fear and hurt. Acknowledging we are one means we would stop harming the Earth and fix the damage we have caused. We can do this. In the words of a good friend of mine;

“We are the ones we have been waiting for”


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