Thursday 14 February 2013

Divine Fragments

We are all one. Separation is an illusion. Everything in this universe was created by a single consciousness and was created by thought. Each and every one of us is a fragment of this consciousness, here to experience what has been created from many different points of view. A good analogy that I like to use is this; imagine a rock or a stone. This stone is the single consciousness that created all things. Now imagine that this stone is smashed into a billion pieces, each one separate and distinct, yet each one still the original rock from where it came. How can they be anything else? Smashing the rock hasn’t changed the rock into a brand new, different rock. It has just changed the rock into many pieces instead of one. It is still the same rock. If you wanted, you could piece all these pieces back together again and you would have the original rock back in the state it started off in. This is actually the journey we are all on. The single divine consciousness, call it ‘god’, call it the ‘universe’, call it ‘source’, call it whatever name works best for you, made the decision to ‘fragment’ itself. It wanted to experience its creation from as many different points of view as possible in order to learn as much as it possibly can about itself. Look at your cat or your dog. What you are looking at is the single divine consciousness experiencing its creation from the point of view of your cat or dog. Look at your friends and family. You are looking at yourself having an experience as your friends and family! Look at yourself in the mirror. You are the universe gazing back at itself and having an experience as you. It may sound crazy, yet it is the truth. You are a fragment of divine consciousness, here to grow and learn and take all you have learned back to source, reuniting yourself back into the original 'rock' that you started as, but with a much greater understanding of what you have created. We are the universe learning about itself. We are invaluable to all of creation.

You may be wondering if this means you may one day lose your sense of individuality, that sense of being ‘me’, I know I have. However, then I realised something. How can I possibly lose my sense of individuality when there is only actually one true consciousness in the first place? I will never lose my sense of individuality, all I will do is become more aware of my many different experiences from my many different points of view. I will become more and more aware that everything is one, and that everything is connected. It’s hard to understand when we are here, seemingly separate in this 3D reality. It all starts with acceptance. Once you have accepted this fundamental truth about the nature of yourself and reality, the universe will sort the rest out for you. You will through the law of attraction gain more knowledge, more insight and more awareness.

When you view life from this perspective of being one it is liberating. There becomes no such thing as good or bad or right or wrong, everything just ‘is’. Even though these things don't actually exist, if we didn’t have the perspective of the opposing polarities of good/bad, right/wrong then it would be pretty difficult to learn. After all, how could you understand happiness if you didn’t understand sadness? How would you know what’s right if you didn’t know what’s wrong? People say things like “there is so much wrong with the world”, but without this how would we ever now what’s right with the world? Each perspective is equally as important as every other. Yes, bad things do happen, but we must remember that this is all part of the learning experiencing. Seeing things as ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ means the things that ‘right’ and ‘good’ come into clearer focus. Just remember that it is all just a matter of perspective. We are then free to choose where we put our attention and in turn free to choose what we experience in our lives.  Our bodies are a lens focusing divine consciousness in this moment. Use the experience to be the best you can possibly be, for in doing so you help not only yourself, but every single thing in the entire universe. Love yourself, for in doing so you love all of creation. Live life the way you want live it, for in doing so you are helping the universe understand itself, and that is the whole point of being here in the first place.


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