Friday 15 February 2013


When you first came here there were certain things you knew. You knew you were perfect. You knew you were loved. You knew that there was literally an army of angels and guides waiting to do all they could to help if you asked. You knew that using the power of your emotions and the law of attraction you would be able to shape and mould your reality into one that would be of most benefit to your advancement as a spiritual being and that would bring you the maximum amount of joy. You knew that this reality was a game, and that this world was your playground. You hadn’t quite worked out how to use your mouth properly, and hadn’t learned the language that the other people close to you used to communicate, so you couldn’t express the things you knew to the others around you. Then, as you grew older and other people’s beliefs were forced upon you, you forgot all these things. The concept of ‘lack’ crept into your psyche, instilled into you by your parents and close relatives and the school system. How many times growing up were you told “I want never gets”, “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “I cant afford it”? All these comments are formed simply from a belief in lack. If you could only remember what you knew when you came here, you would realise that this isn’t the case. There is no such thing as lack, all there is is a belief in lack, and beliefs can be changed. Your parents didn’t realise the damage they were causing, and their parents didn’t realise it either, it is not their fault, they were only doing what they thought was best for you. School taught you that your life is an accident, a random occurrence formed through random mutations and ‘evolution’, your true divine nature was literally hammered out of you and replaced by the belief that you are nothing more than a clever hairless monkey. These beliefs were passed down many generations, engrained into the mass consciousness of humanity. This was by design of course, the ‘masters’ in charge of the world didn’t want you to know about the power you possessed or what you truly are. They manipulated humanity and its beliefs until we accepted lack as truth, after all, this worked in their favour and made you easier to control. They made you forget your divine nature, that you are a child of the universe, perfect and immortal.

Now we’re waking up. And I am here to tell you that ‘lack’ does not exist. It does not have to manifest in your reality if you don’t want it to. You may have actually come here to experience lack, you may make the decision to create and manifest lack in your reality, and in that case good for you! But you must realise that lack is simply a creation that you choose to create. Instead of lack, focus on abundance. Whatever you put you attention is what you get. The law of attraction is a fundamental law of the universe that ensures you get whatever it is that is resonating with you in that moment. If you focus on lack, you get lack. If you focus on abundance you get abundance. It’s that simple. You knew this when you came here. You were so excited to come to Earth and play around with reality, to create any kind of life that you could dream of. It is time to regain that excitement. It is time to become a Gamesmaster.

Deep in your heart is your connection to the universe and to source. The power of this energy is the most powerful force in the whole of creation. It is the power of LOVE. Use this power to create the things that your heart desires. Now, it is easy to say “I want more money!” Or “I want the perfect partner!” You have to look at how you feel when you say these things. When you say “I want more money”, how do you actually feel? If you feel bad then you are not going to attract more money. If you feel bad then you are focused on lack of money. Be grateful for the money that you DO have. Be grateful that money exists as a useful way to pay for goods and services. Focus on the benefits of money. Focus on all the good things that money could bring you. Imagine how great you would feel going into a store and buying anything that you want. The power of your emotions along with the power of your imagination both focused on the positive aspects of what money can do to bring you happiness and joy means that it is literally impossible for more money not to appear in your experience. Use the same methods to attract your dream partner. When you say “I want the perfect partner”, ask yourself again; how do you feel? If you feel bad or sad that this perfect person is not in your life, then you are focused on lack. Sit back, close your eyes and imagine all the joy and happiness this perfect person would bring. Look at other couples and thank the universe for bringing those people together, be happy for them. Focus on the positive aspects of what the perfect partner would bring into your life. It is my promise to you that this person will appear. Maybe not straight away, that’s not how it works. The universe gives you little ‘time delay’ in you asking for what you want and these things actually manifesting. This is so you can perfect and refine the things you want, or change your mind if you decide its not what you want. If you have not been aware of the law of attraction until now I urge you to start to familiarise yourself with this concept. There are many websites and books available that will help you with this. I recommend ‘Ask and It is Given’ by Esther and Jerry Hicks ( This book will change your life and give you a proper understanding of who you really are, what you have come here for and what you are truly capable of. 

You came here to utilise the power of source, the power of love, the power of creation to create and manifest anything that your heart desires. Slowly but surely you will be able to see the law of attraction working in your life. Use it to mould and sculpt anything that you wish. Reality is like clay, it is soft and malleable. It is a game where you are in control. Play the game how you want to play it. Become a Gamesmaster.


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