Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Pope, The Queen and Others found GUILTY of Genocide

Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide

Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms

Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens' Arrests


Pope Benedict will go to jail for twenty five years for his role in Crimes against Humanity, and Vatican wealth and property is to be seized, according to today's historic verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice.

The Brussels-based Court handed down a unanimous guilty verdict from its Citizen Jurors and ordered the citizens' arrest of thirty Defendants commencing March 4 in a Court Order issued to them today.
The verdict read in part,

"We the Citizen Jury find that the Defendants in this case are guilty of the two indictments, that is, they are guilty of committing or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, and of being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy"

The Jury ruled that each Defendant receive a mandatory twenty five year prison sentence without parole, and have all their personal assets seized.

The Court went on to declare in its Order No. 022513-001,

"The Defendants are ordered to surrender themselves voluntarily to Peace Officers and Agents authorized by this COURT, having been found Guilty as charged.

"The Defendants have seven days from the issuing of this ORDER, until March 4, 2103, to comply. After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants".
The guilty parties include Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and the head officers of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.

The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors.

These exhibits detailed irrefutable proof of a massive criminal conspiracy by the Defendants' institutions to commit and conceal Genocide on generations of children in so-called Indian residential schools across Canada.

None of the Defendants challenged or disputed a Public Summons issued to them last September; nor did they deny the charges made against them, or offer counter evidence to the Court.

"Their silence told me a lot. Why wouldn't innocent people defend their own reputation when accused of such horrible things?" commented one Juror, based in England.

"These crimes were aimed at children, and were a cold and calculated plan to wipe out Indians who weren't Christians. And the defendants clearly are still covering up this crime. So we felt we had to do more than slap their wrist. The whole reign of terror by state-backed churches that are above the law has to end, because children still suffer from it".

The Court's judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.

To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children.

"This sentence gives a legal foundation and legitimacy to the church occupations that have already begun by victims of church torture around the world" commented Kevin Annett, the chief adviser to the Prosecutor's Office, who presented its case to the world. (see www.itccs.org, November 6 and January 30 postings)
"The verdict of the Court is clearly that these criminal church bodies are to be legally and practically disestablished, and their stolen wealth reclaimed by the people. Justice has finally begun to be be served. The dead can now rest more easily."

Court officers are delivering the Order to all the Defendants this week, including to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Queen of England and to Joseph Ratzinger, the retiring Pope Benedict who is avoiding arrest within the Vatican after suddenly resigning two weeks ago.

The citizens' arrests of these and other Defendants will commence on March 4 if they do not surrender themselves and their assets, as per the Court Order.

These actions will be filmed and posted at here in the coming week, along with further updates from the Court and its Citizen Agents.

Please see the accompanying you tube video.

Issued by the Central Office,
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
25 February, 2013



Ben Fulford (Feb 26 2013) - Is March Going To Be The Month Of The Final Breakthrough?

High level geopolitical horse trading going on around right now appears to be headed towards historical changes in how the world is managed will become visible in March. Big diplomatic moves have been seen with Japan, Russia, Europe, South America, Africa and the US during the past week, although with few public announcements. These talks are in preparation for big moves expected after a new Pope and a new Chinese government, formally take the reins of power in March.

As the horse trading continues, the following potential geopolitical chess moves have been hinted at by the various factions: the Pentagon would seize Nigeria’s oil fields, North Korea would attack Beijing and Shanghai with nukes, China would start a war with India, Japan would team up with Russia, the US and India to tame China, South America would link itself to Africa etc. etc.

What all this really amounts to is the various factions showing their strengths in preparations for replacing the Western dominated world system of governance with something more representative of the actual people of the planet.

There were also responses last week from MI5 and from the Vatican P2 about the attacks on the Queen and the papacy.

Here is the MI5 response to the accusations against the Queen made by US agency types

and mentioned in last week’s issue of this newsletter:

This is linked to previous reports that the Monarchy is ‘owned’ by Rome and this is also presumably behind the current thinking that the Queen will be deposed because of the paedophile scandal which will hit the Vatican. First point about the handshake…the nearest likeness is the Lion’s Paw of the Master Mason. It is however very questionable whether HMQ is a Freemason and therefore whether the handshake can be interpreted as being Masonic. The most senior Freemason in England is Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, who is first cousin to the Queen and Grand Master of Freemasons in England and Wales. If HMQ were a Mason she would be lower in rank than the Prince, leave alone the Pope.

Officially the Pope is not a Freemason either, as Masonry is prohibited by the Catholic Church, as is paedophilia. However Zagami says there are four Lodges inside the Vatican which are run by the administration for Satanic rituals below ground. Where, incidentally the CIA says that the remains of Jesus are buried, unascended.

A member of the P2 Freemason Lodge said only that the Queen used to be subordinate to the Pope in matters of doctrine “long ago.” This same source, a member of the Italian nobility, said the Pope announced his resignation because he was threatened with the murder of millions of Catholics, probably in Beirut, if he did not resign.

In any case last week there was a major, and under-reported, split between the UK and the cabal that controls the US and Europe. Essentially, the UK government announced that it was becoming the first major Western nation to directly trade its currency for Chinese Renminbi. This was followed by an announcement by the totally disgraced cabal “credit rating agency” Moody’s that Britain’s credit rating had been reduced. The British withdrawal from the US dollar/Euro group and move to direct forex dealing with China is a major blow to the cabal behind the Federal Reserve Board and the European central bank. Australia has also already switched to direct dealings with the Renminbi, joining such powers as Japan, Russia and India and much of the rest of the world.

It is no coincidence this move comes a week before the new Chinese government formally takes over the reins of power in March.

Asia, as well, was the center of lots of jockeying for position last week. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan in particular has been trying to show himself to be a macho man. When he went to Washington last weekend, he asked the Americans to allow him to stay in power for his full term (4 years) and promised he obey them in exchange, according to Japanese military intelligence. Abe also apologized for being “too close to China” last time he was Prime Minister.

However, the Americans were having no part of any talk of allying with Japan against China since without Chinese money, the US would have become bankrupt a long time ago. The Japanese establishment, to hedge their bets, have also been making secret proposals to Russia to join them in a move to encircle China.
The Japanese also pulled out an ace from their sleeve last week when the North Koreans, who are secret allies of Japan, told the Chinese they had nuclear missiles aimed at Beijing and Shanghai, Japanese military intelligence said.

The Chinese, for their part, have agreed with the Taiwanese and with many Japanese factions that the solution to the territorial dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands would be to make Okinawa an independent kingdom again like it was until the cabal took over Japan in the Meiji era. In such a scenario the Chinese and Japanese would split the costs of US bases there in exchange for them becoming a neutral police force.
The Chinese war-mongering faction has now decided that if they need to start a war to strengthen internal Chinese unity that India would make a better target. The death of 100 million people would be “considered acceptable,” in such a war, according to a senior Chinese military source linked to an Asian secret society. This of course, is just a way of saying “do not under-estimate China.”

The US military industrial complex, for its part, showed off its likely strategy for dealing with imminent bankruptcy: the use of armed force. In particular, the US has begun to build up a major base in the African country of Niger, the only likely strategic aim of which would be to seize the rich oil fields of next door Nigeria. This is the pentagon’s way of saying they will do what is necessary to make sure they can keep filling their gas tanks no matter what happens in the financial world.

US Secretary of State John Kerry flew off to Europe and the Middle East last week to try to convince the Europeans, Russians and Sunni Muslims to unite behind dictator Obama.

However, the United States, a nation that has been constantly at war for most of the past 70 years, will find it now considered to be a friendless rogue nation. The momentum is with the 180 nation BRICS alliance. They wish to improve the environment and living standards of the planet. Their motto is simple: “make love, not war.”

(As usual I reccomend discernment with Ben Fulford's information)

Removing the Shackles

Do You Remember? Do you Remember?

Who you are?  Where you come from?

Do you Remember why you are here?  Do you remember the Game?  The Experiment?

Maybe you don't........ yet.

That was part of the rules of The Game- rules that WE made when WE created The Game. Rules that WE agreed with Source to follow when we all decided to play the Grand Experiment.

The Game is played like a theatre production: The players take their turn, each playing their part on the Grand Experiment Stage. Rule number 1 is that they don't remember.... anything. They are blindfolded and not allowed to look at the rules of the game or the instructions. The players are placed on the stage, with no script and no cue-cards, to interact with each other and ad lib as they go along. The only clues they have are the musical score playing in the back ground and their wits- receiving hints and bits of information from each other as they move through their part.

When we all decided to play The Game, there were certain players that decided to play their part off stage. They didn't forget, they didn't put blindfolds on.  These Players hid behind the curtain and had complete access to the Rules and the Instructions of The Game, and because of that they knew exactly how the Grand Experiment would unfold. These Players decided to set themselves up as the Directors.

In the beginning of the Experiment, the Play ran somewhat smoothly.  The players interacted with each other, ad libbing as they went along, learning to take cues from the music playing in the background and their interactions between each other. Then the Directors started to exert themselves,  proclaimed their authority and began to meddle in the Game.  They started giving directions from the sidelines, making up rules that interfered with the Players- taking away their ability to really interact with each other by shouting new directions that caused separation and division between the Players, dividing them up into teams so that they lost their ability to work together as one whole group.

To keep the groups organized, the directors placed Leaders in the middle.  These were their brokers and were responsible for dictating to the rest of the group the new rules and regulations. They demanded absolute obedience, their voices drowned out the music playing in the background and over-rode the ability of the Players to interact with each other and to use their intuition and wits to work together.

The Directors allowed these leaders to dictate Rules to the Players, encouraging them to tie their groups together with ropes of fear and chains of distrust for anyone outside their group.  The Directors applauded as they thought that these bindings would tightly hold the groups together forever, regardless of whether the Experiment ended or not. They gloated in their superiority, thinking that they would remain in control forever....

... But they forgot something vitally important.

As the Grand Experiment started winding down, something amazing happened.  With in the various separate groups, Players began to realize that something wasn't right.  They began to listen to the music.  They began to remember that not only were there other groups on the stage, but that they too were in the same game.  As they remembered, they reached out to those in other groups, linking hands until the stage began to look like a giant web of interconnected BE'ings.  As they reached out for each other they began to break free of the ropes of fear, gravitating towards each other....

The Directors didn't like this AT ALL. Their shouts from off stage didn't get the players attention like it use to.  They knew that for them to remain in control they needed to step up their game.  So they jumped onto the stage, but they did it in disguise.  They took on the personas of BE'ings from history, from religious legend and lore.  The Directors entered centre stage and worked their way through the groups, throwing glamours over the leaders, convincing the Players that they were there to save them.... that only they, the Directors in the guise of "Divine" BE'ings had the answers to all their questions and that only through them could the Players attain their final goal.

It worked for a short while.  The Players beheld these exulted "Divine" BE'ings  and paid homage to them, regarding them with hope and awe.... and the Directors LOVED IT.  They loved it so much that they never wanted it to end.  Who cares about the Grand Experiment?!  Who cares about the end of The Game?!  Who cares about the Rules and Instructions that the Players all decided on and agreed upon together?!  Oh yes! They thought they could keep The Game going forever...

But.... they forgot something else that was vitally important.

The End of The Game.

The final act of the Grand Experiment was at an exact instant, a preordained moment in time that was unchangeable, unmoveable, unalterable.... even by them.  The Directors might of been playing the part of "Divine", but in reality they were players just like everyone else on the stage.  Yes, they were not blindfolded, Yes they knew the Rules and Instructions of the game, Yes, they remembered.... but they were just Players like everyone else in the Grand Experiment- EQUAL TO ALL.

The Directors waved all sorts of prizes in front of the players in an effort to keep them believing that they were "Divine".  Money, Money Money.... Freedom....

"Freedom?"  Wait a minute!  Players started once again listening to the Music, they started interacting with each other, questioning, asking, listening...  "Freedom?"  But..... ?

The Directors tried everything in their bag of tricks, yet the more they tried to convince the Players to worship them, the more the Players woke up.

Oh, the Directors knew the reason why.   They knew what was happening.  They tried to stop it, convinced that they could keep the Players dancing to their tune forever, but deep in their hearts they knew the Truth:

The Grand Experiment was over.  The Game was finished.

The one thing that the Directors forgot is that Source was also involved in The Game. The one thing they didn't know was that in among the players there were Guardians who's job it was to oversee the end of the Experiment.

The Directors yelled louder.  They gave orders to the group leaders, orders that fell apart before they could be executed.  They ran from group to group, doing anything they could to keep the other Players from listening to the Music. They altered the script, they tried to yell louder than the music.... but it didn't work.

The Guardians began to wake up from their waking sleep. They looked at the Directors pretending to be "Divines" and said "You are NOT "Divine"!  For if you are "Divine" then others would have to be "UnDivine".  YOU are Players just like WE are Players- WE are ALL EQUAL!"  They reached out to each other, grasping hands together, connecting group to group all over the Universal stage in a giant net of light.  The Light got brighter and brighter until even those still under the glamour of the Directors could see it through their blindfolds.

As Players woke up they took off their blindfolds and they began to remember who they were.


As above, so below.
As below, so above.


....The final chapter of this tale is being written right now and You are part of it.

It's time to take off your blindfold.  The Game is over.  The Experiment is done.

Breathe deeply, look around you and remember who you are and why you are here.

Remember that we are all EQUAL.
It's time to tell the self appointed Directors that we are done with their cheating and deceptions.  They are NOT Divine.  They are the same as us: Players in The Game, and the Game is now over....Shall we write this last chapter all together?

(Norris' Note: I am not sure where this article originated, and take no credit for what is written here.)

Your Garden Of Life - Message From Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,
As you move through your daily lives, you are finding more evidence of subtle workings of the higher dimensions all around you, as situations that were very touchy and volatile seem to just melt away into peace and harmony. This is happening both individually and collectively to all upon the Planet and is most especially noticeable for each Lightworker as they are more sensitive to the new energies that are coming in. Continue to allow the effects of these energies to flow through you without resistance and all will be well. Each of you is seeing that this is so and you are finding that speaking your truth with courage and determination brings more that is good into your life rather than the reverse as you and those around you adjust your perceptions.
These effects will continue as you purge from you thoughts that have been hidden and not looked at clearly before. Your human selves have stored away these thoughts throughout your lifetime and these thoughts have limited your ability to live to your highest potential. Sometimes these thoughts have to be expressed quite forcefully in order to free you of their effects. After this occurs, ask the Violet Fire Angels to cleanse and transmute the words that were spoken out into the atmosphere and transform that energy into the pure white Light for the highest good of all. Ask also that what has been released from within your being is immediately replaced with the pure white Light.
It is incumbent upon each Soul upon the path of Ascension to daily monitor and become aware of their thoughts, as you are now eliminating the weeds to allow new growth to happen in your garden of life. Plant the seeds that will allow you to grow and flourish in the newly ploughed field of the new Golden age that has been awaiting your attention. Each thought you sow into the collective field that is life enhancing will return to nourish you and will magnify the good that is waiting for you. Each positive intention you set will bring to you beneficial results that will surprise and delight you. It is time to become the alchemists who turn the lead of the past into the gold in your present.
As you become proficient in the control of your thought processes, you will become excited about the possibilities that each of you as co-creator with the Infinite One can bring to your world. It starts first in your own personal life where you learn to wield the powerful energy of your thoughts into pleasing manifested form. This will delight and consume your days as you follow your heart and your dreams. The joy of each experience will grow exponentially stronger and as each of you learn to work your energy in a new way the lives of those around you will also be uplifted. The feelings of joy beget more of the same and it is this frequency which lifts you to the higher dimensions.
Continue to be the peace makers and ambassadors of the Light as you daily practice your new powers and abilities. Be not concerned when old hidden thoughts find their way to the surface for expression and voice. In the higher perspective, it is all good. Be gentle and kind with yourselves for you are in the process of a massive transformation of your entire being while being present in your physical body and this is something that has never been attempted before on any Planet. We see that it is all good and that it is bearing fruit for each of you. Ask of us and you shall be given. The important thing to remember is that you must ask.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. Marlene Swetlishoff

Wednesday 20 February 2013

The Spiritual Travellers Creed

According to Sufi tradition, humanity originated ‘far beyond the stars’ and is on a return journey back to the Source. While in the earth phase, there are numerous opportunities to embrace ‘our real’ or ‘lasting nature,’ and begin the spiritual journey home. In this physical world, because we are in a sense estranged from our real or lasting nature, there is an unease and inner hunger that pushes us forward to search and make the inner spiritual connection.

While in this world, many become fooled and attempt to fill the inner emptiness with all manner of things and experiences; this further compounds the problem of remembering who we are.
Just like ET in the movie, we need to contact home -through our own inner spiritual awareness- so the factors might align and we begin the return journey.

While in the earth phase, because of its endless diversity, beauty and splendor, each traveler has the opportunity to create and freely join in Kingship with the Source. Daily, we create our own multiple level realities and in this world of opposite forms, we create multiple opportunities to express who we are. Inside each of us is a spark or piece of the Life Force; that is our guiding element and leads us through the many worlds, back to the Source.

The Riddle: Who We Are?

O spiritual traveler, rise-up and know who you really are; temporarily shed the identity that has been placed upon you by others and this wondrous physical body we have created. On different levels, this multi-level physical form is an illusion, a contrast and story, created to help, contain and even set us free. Although many were well-intentioned, they were fooled by this riddle of physicality and spirituality; ultimately, this contrast and duality exists to help, so we might learn, experience and enjoy the wonders. We may create and experience it all, as long as we Remember; go deep within and experience that which we really are- a Child of Light. We are the son and daughter of a King, and have been sent on a journey to experience all the parts of self; finding our true, lasting nature, only when we help others and align with the Light.

This present life and experience- is all about you and what you individually wish to accomplish and create. That is the wonder and challenge; we were given free will so that we might freely choose to Remember and join in the creative process: alternating between our will and the will of the Source.
Perhaps this riddle is confusing? O Spiritual traveler- set your self free; stop thinking about it all. Go deeper and learn to experience and perceive your own true lasting nature; you and the Light are One. This Oneness will set you free so you may create that which you came here to create. Enough of riddles and words that make little sense and cannot be thought out- arise and embrace your Lasting Self; then this foolishness of words will no longer be necessary. You will know what you came here to know.

Guidelines for Travelers

Beyond religion, beyond individual creed and spiritual form, there is a knowing that arises from the heart. The heart is our spiritual center, and is connected to the Light or Source; this Light is most like the Source and, while in the physical body, is the conduit through which we travel home. Make your life a song, a celebration through which you join in Kingship, Remember, and embrace your lasting spiritual nature.

Come, join me as a Spiritual Traveler; a traveler who seeks the inner, spiritual core of religious experience and follows the Light through the many worlds. This way of knowing has always existed. It is the religion before there was religion. It is the first commandment: Love God (or the Light) with all your heart and soul. Yes, it is as easy as that . . . .

And because we are in the world of forms, we need a structure or framework from which to begin; here for the Spiritual Traveler, is a set of guidelines that have served me well. These guidelines are not of my creation, but part of the wondrous Path that has always existed; like a scribe I write them down so you too might learn, experience and benefit.

And if you think I am a madman, and have lost my way, leave this writing and find your own experience, or way, to embrace your true lasting self. One way is not better than another. Each is a child of the universe; and each must ultimately find their own path, that is both unique and the same. For we all are travelers. May your journey be glorious and your effort rewarded.

Love God. This is the first commandment and contains the entire journey- which is Love God (or the Light) with all your heart and soul. Some need no other instruction; traditionally, these travelers have been called- the Lovers. The Lovers seek to make their lives an extension of the Divine, and do everything for their Beloved.

Citizen of the Universe. Learn to share this planet and the universe with all the many life forms; we are all expressions of the Source. To hurt another is to hurt self; we all are connected in spirit. We share the same Life Force, which is our self. When we turn toward the Light, the Light will guide and protect.

Align With the Highest. In every action and thought, seek to take the high road and make each moment an expression of the Divine. Listen to your heart and make your decisions based upon that which will serve your higher nature, and the emerging higher destiny of the universe.

Love Another. The nature of God or the Light is pure Love; when we love another and seek to help and share with that person; we are fulfilling our higher destiny. Many of the ills of the world come about, because travelers are fearful and seek to fulfill their own need at the expense of others. Mature travelers know the difference between helping and hurting; their hearts will not let them intentionally cause harm.

Live Fully. Each traveler is a multi-level being with an assortment of feelings, thoughts, desires, and dreams. Live fully and embrace the many parts of self. Also, do not forget to go deeper and thank the One who gave these things to you.

Seek Excellence. In every action and thought, seek to do your best. Each traveler has the potential to reach toward excellence; each has a unique skill set and must learn to maximize their potential by expressing individual talents and ability. A complete life merges individual and higher need.

Be Yourself. In knowing who you are, you will know the many parts of self and merge with the Higher. Do not let others keep you from finding and expressing who you are; you are a unique being- that is your gift to yourself and the universe.

Help Others. In helping others, we help our self and serve the Highest. Though we may forget, we are all one; having a social duty to help others of our human family. No one is suggesting that we are not first to care for or protect self; however, every one is connected and on the higher level, when our neighbor is hungry or sick, we are experiencing this as well. In everything, we must use our common sense, and experience suggests, if one is being exploited or harmed, one day this ill will present itself at our door.

Do Good Deeds. Inwardly, the healthy person knows the right thing; we are born with this inner awareness. It is only our fear that blocks us; learn to go beyond fear, and listen to your heart. Then, the promise of a better world will be achieved one person at a time.

Gratitude. Thank the universe, thank yourself, and thank the Creator for all you have been Given. This activity will make you joyous; and its energy will fill you with good health.

Pray. Each morning and evening, and throughout the day: communicate and speak with God. Have an ongoing conversation with your higher self and the One who provided this opportunity to go through the many worlds. One of my teachers used to say, “if you’re going to be angry or sad, be angry and sad with God. Similarly, if you’re going to be happy, be happy with God. When we are depressed and most distant from God that is when we need God the most.”

Travel Beyond Teachings. All we know about any great teacher and their specific teaching is what others have recorded, and wanted us to know about these teachings. This is both good and bad. Often, much has been omitted or distorted. That is why each traveler is urged to have their own experience and travel beyond specific teachings.  Knowledge is different than teachings.


Ben Fulford: After Pope falls, British Monarchy under severe attack, global turbulence increases, February 19, 2013

The resignations of Pope Malevolent and Queen Beatrix have now put the British Monarchy under severe attack with allegations of incest, human sacrifice and cuckoo bird like substitutions of genuine monarchs with non-genetically linked intruders. It is not clear yet if these allegations are true or are merely part of a psychological warfare campaign aimed at forcing the resignation of Queen Elizabeth along with Princes Charles and William.

The detailed allegations can be seen at the following two links:


An MI5 source says the articles above are disinformation related to ongoing attempts to seize massive wealth controlled by the UK royal family. What is clear is that heavy infighting is going on at the top.

There are many seemingly unrelated events, notably meteorite falls and disease outbreaks, that may in fact be signs of cabal infighting. During the last week meteorites (rocks that actually land) and meteors (ones that explode in the sky) were reported in Russia, Japan, Cuba and Florida (were Obama was staying for a top secret “golf game”). Perhaps unrelatedly, a SARS like disease and or bird flu were reported in the UK, Mexico and Germany last week. Not to mention a major dam burst in China.

In the midst of all this Russia has dispatched nuclear bombers to threaten US bases while North Korea, acting as a proxy for Japan, revealed to the world it had intercontinental nuclear missile capability. This was a message by the Japanese to the Chinese, Russians and Americans that it was not some stuffed turkey ready to be carved up.

With the Pope, Queen Beatrix, the Bushes and the Rockefellers out of the picture, the struggle now seems to be between backers of President Barak “Thunder of Satan” Obama, the British Monarchy, the gnostic illuminati and the Asian secret societies.

Obama was taken to Florida over the weekend for some secret mission and apparently happened to be there just in time for a meteor shower.

Is this a coincidence? Remember the Russian “meteorite” fall came after homosexually bonded Skull and Bones slave and opium secret society US Secretary of State John Kerry was repeatedly ignored by Russia’s foreign minister. It also came after two Russian nuclear bombers entered US airspace near the Guam military base in the Pacific. It could all be a coincidence but then again it could be big boys waving their toys at each other.

The Gnostic illuminati say that without the Pope behind him, Obama is “like a three legged stool that just lost a leg.” The Gnostic illuminati say they are descended from the survivors of Atlantis and Carthage and they believe the evil entity responsible for that destruction resides in Rome. In their view, the destruction of Rome would be justified by the historical actions of Rome against other great ancient cities and civilizations.
We can only hope that if the next pope is named Peter the Roman, that he will merely be the last Roman pope before the Roman Catholic Church merges with the Orthodox Christian and Protestant Churches and it ceases to be “Roman.” We must all pray that Rome and its priceless artistic, architectural and cultural heritage survive.

The photograph in the link above of the Pope making a masonic handshake with the Queen in front of a blonde boy in a kilt does raise a lot of questions.

It is true that most members of the British Commonwealth have been brought up with the Queen as a benevolent symbol with little real power. During my childhood she was presented as a symbol of all that was good and great about the British people and the British Empire (the bad stuff they did was not the Queen’s fault).

However, the Queen as a symbol may not be the same thing as the queen as a human being. A first cousin of the Queen has told me in the past about human sacrifices presided over by the Queen at Balmoral castle. This is what an MI5 source had to say about that: “Yes I have also been told the same by a credible source.” There is also plenty of evidence that Princess Diana was killed to protect the honour of the British royal family because she was pregnant with the child of her Muslim fiancée Dodi Fayed.

Then again there was the recent confirmed finding of the body of an Eastern European male (suspected of being linked to the heroin trade) at Sandhingham castle.

What the Queen needs to do, if she is to survive the ongoing onslaught, is to come clean about any skeletons in her closet and ask for the forgiveness of her people.

The MI5 source says that both the Queen and the Pope were symbolic figureheads of ancient bureaucratic organizations that were hostile towards them and chasing after the great wealth controlled by the British Monarchy and the Papacy. The CIA retorts that the Queen has been repeatedly caught trying to get her hands on assets that belong to the Global Collateral Accounts and not her.

Apart from Obama, the Queen and the Pope, there were other signs of high level action against the cabal last week.

In particular, there are signs of what may be an organized global boycott against cabal controlled corporations. Recently India has cancelled a $750 million Anglo-Italian helicopter deal over allegations of bribery. A French military aircraft sale to India is also on hold. Then there are the mysterious battery problems that have virtually stopped all Boeing aircraft sales since the beginning of this year. Then again there is the Russian ban on all Beef imports from the US. Are we seeing a pattern here?

There is also now whistle blowing taking place in France concerning the ongoing French theft of Tunisian, Libyan and Malian gold. Here is a French language article with the details:

The unrest in Europe, meanwhile, has spread East. Last week there were riots in Bulgaria following a recent drastic hike in energy prices, according to a source there. There will be more price hikes followed by more riots in Europe and the US.

In Asia, meanwhile, now that the Chinese New Lunar Year’s holidays are ending, the new regime of Xi Jinping will formally take over the reins of government. There will be lots of secret negotiations during the last part of February and, following that, the new government is expected to come out with an aggressive domestic and international agenda.
If the Chinese play their cards right and coordinate with the 180 nation BRICS group, they should be able to force an end to the cabal dominated post-war international system of governance. If they play their cards badly, for example by falling into the baited Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands trap, they could lose all their valuable soft power.


(Norris's note - I recommend discernment with Ben Fulfords information, as with all information of this kind.)

Monday 18 February 2013

The Stages Of Awareness On The Path Of Ascension

Ronna / Sacred Scribe Overlighted By Archangel Michael

Stage One: We gradually tune into and begin to listen to the small voice of our conscience (our embodied Soul Self), and we begin the process of healing and harmonizing our Emotional Nature. We slowly allow our Soul Self to become the guide and director of our life’s experiences instead of the ego desire body. We begin the process of upgrading and refining our Emotional Body consciousness, which can be painful and challenging, but also rewarding and enlightening.

Stage Two: As we begin to delve more deeply into our subconscious minds, we initiate the process of aligning our emotional will with that of our Higher Self-OverSoul and Divine Will. Our main mantra/affirmation becomes “Thy Will be done for the greatest good of all.” As we learn that we are electromagnetic, energetic Beings, we come to the understanding that we are constantly radiating energetic thought forms out into the world around us. Then we must experience these positive or negative thought forms as events/situations composed of the same frequencies. Our personal world is constantly rearranging itself to fit our current picture of reality. Through trial and error, we begin to understand the Laws of Cause and Effect or Karma . We also gain an understanding of and begin to actively use the Universal Laws of Manifestation as we slowly refine our abilities as cocreators on the earthly plane of existence. With new awareness, confidence and trust in the workings of the universe, we gradually relinquish control at an emotional level to our Higher Self, for we now understand that it is our Divine Birthright to enjoy the love, beauty and bounty of our Father/Mother God. We also understand that our Higher Self sees things from a higher vantage point and will always direct us toward the best outcome.

Stage Three: As we move a little higher on the ladder of ascension, we also learn to view the events in our lives from a higher vantage point. We have gone through the painful process of breaking or healing all past agreements with those with whom we have experienced karmic interaction so that we may sever any remaining energetic cords between us. We lovingly forgive and ask forgiveness so that each of us may, once again, become sovereign Beings. By healing and transmuting the probable futures we have created in our many past lifetimes’ experience, we move into the future without the heavy burden of past Karma.

Over time and after a lot of Soul-searching and processing, we gradually strive for and gain Emotional Detachment. We love more deeply and compassionately as we begin to look for and see the best in everyone around us. We gradually embrace the concept of “we and group consciousness” versus the ego-driven concept of separation, “me versus everyone else.” We have learned to see our tests and challenges as opportunities for growth instead of punishment and bad luck. As a result, our Emotional Body consciousness begins to resonate to much higher, more harmonious, vibrational frequencies. We are now ready to focus our attention on refining, uplifting and harmonizing our Mental Body.

Stage Four: At this stage, our OverSoul-Higher Self begins to take a more active role in our transformation process, as our Soul Self slowly integrates the higher frequencies (attributes, qualities and virtues) of our OverSoul Self. We begin the process of reviewing our beliefs, habits and the quality of our mental awareness. We re-evaluate the major judgments and attitudes that have been handed down by our elders as well as by the cultural, religious and governmental leaders as we gradually move out of and beyond the mass consciousness belief patterns of the lower astral planes.
Stage Five: As we refine the frequency patterns of our Mental Body, we slowly gain access to our Sacred Mind and the treasure chest of higher mental consciousness that is stored therein. Our Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart become unified with our OverSoul-Higher Self as the guiding influence in our spiritual quest. We become more tolerant of other people’s beliefs as we learn that there are many paths to follow; however, we are now aware that all paths will ultimately lead to the same destination. We learn to be discerning as to what we will accept as our truth, and we only accept those truths that resonate positively within our Sacred Core Being. We begin to expand our horizons of thought, and many will develop a desire to learn more about our spiritual origins, why we are on Earth, what is our mission/purpose for this lifetime and what happens to us after we transcend?

Stage Six: As we lift the frequencies of our Mental/Emotional bodies, our chakra system begins to spin much faster and in a harmonious fashion. This results in an ignition or activation of the etheric Tube of Light that runs along the spinal column, up through the Medulla Oblongata (the ascension chakra) into the Sacred Mind and out the Crown Chakra. The coiled energy called Kundalini , which contains the Sacred White Fire Seed Atoms of Creator Light called Adamantine Particles, begins to flow up the spinal column. The portals to the Sacred Heart have opened so that we now are receiving Adamantine Particles of Light via the back portal of our Sacred Heart, as well as a downward flow via our Crown Chakra, and a upward flow of Kundalini Fire along our Sacred Rod of Power/Light . This process will be speeded up and magnified if we use the gift of conscious breathing, such as the Infinity Breath or other deep breathing techniques.
Stage Seven: We have learned to HEAL THE PAST and SCRIPT OUR FUTURE so that we can focus on the ETERNAL “NOW” MOMENT. We have merged our physical intellect with the spiritual wisdom of our OverSoul-Higher Self-which means we not only understand and accept the many higher spiritual truths we have learned, but we have also integrated them. We are gradually attuning to the more advanced and expanded guidelines for the future. As we do so, we will send forth the higher frequency Seed thoughts for the New Age into our Flower of Life / Wheel of Creation, so that we may radiate them forth out into the world.

As we draw forth more and more vibrational frequency patterns from lower planes of the fifth-dimension, our Soul Song becomes attuned to and resonates with much higher vibrational frequencies also. This sets off a CELESTIAL CLARION CALL for the compatible facets of our Higher Self to begin the process of slowly moving into alignment within our personal column of Light. The downloading of the Sparks of our Higher Self with our resident Soul Self begins to accelerate at this point, and our progress on the ascension path will greatly accelerate also. We are now ready to move into the Flow of the River of Life, and we know we will be guided and directed as we begin to follow spirit without hesitation.

Stage Eight: We are becoming comfortable with our new State of Being and our new way of viewing the world. We value our solitude, as we delve deeper and deeper into our Sacred Beingness. Each day we have learned to function naturally as a Living Meditation and a Living Prayer, as we stay firmly centered within our Sacred Heart. The earthly illusion now has minimal effect on us; however, our loving compassion has grown to embrace all Beings and all Creation.

Transformation of the Physical Vessel: Our physical bodies are also affected dramatically during each stage of our awakening, and the symptoms of ascension can be exhilarating as well as uncomfortable or even painful at times. My booklet, The Evolution Of Humanity * Symptoms Of Ascension, goes into great detail about the many symptoms of ascension and also gives suggestions as to how to more easily traverse the dramatic changes and chaos of transformation with the assistance of our friends of the higher realms . The booklet is available on my website:www.RonnaStar.com under the Books Section.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : E-mail:RonnaStar@earthlink.net

Have Scientists Discovered The 'Sixth Sense'? Rats can 'Feel' Infrared Rays of Light.

Scientists claim they have found a ‘sixth sense’ which can detect light without the use of sight – and could even be a form of telepathy.
They implanted detectors for invisible infrared light into the part of rats’ brains that control  tactile feeling.
When the light was shone, the animals responded by preening their whiskers, indicating that they thought they were being touched. They soon began to detect the source of the ‘contact’ and move towards the signal.

Neurobiologist Miguel Nicolelis who has given rats a 'sixth sense' that enables them to detect invisible infrared light may have succeeded in getting animals to communicate with each other using only their minds 
The team at Duke University, North Carolina, said that – for the first time in adult animals – their other senses were not affected but simply augmented.
Neurobiologist Miguel Nicolelis said: ‘We didn’t use the skin to deliver this signal ... the animal is feeling light, not seeing light. It’s very interesting.’
He added the technology could one day be used to help the blind or to allow paralysed individuals to feel objects.
Dr Nicolelis also claimed the  concept had been extended to ‘brain-to-brain interface’ meaning the rats could carry out a form of telepathy.
Quizzed as to the exact nature of the research he declared: ‘It is an interface that no one has dreamed could be done.’

He added: ‘I’m not a Catholic, but I give you my word it is much better than the [announcement of a new] Pope’.
Speaking about creating the ability in adult rats to touch infrared light, Dr Nicolelis said he hoped that one day the technology could be used to allow paralysed individuals who have been fitted with prosthetics to feel objects once again.
‘What we did here was to demonstrate that we could create a new sense in rats by allowing them to “touch” infrared light that mammals cannot detect,’ he said. 

In the experiment, published in the journal Nature Communications and announced at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual conference in Boston, six rats were fitted with the infrared detectors.
When the lights were turned on, the rodents began preening their whiskers, indicating they thought they were being touched. But they soon began to interpret where the source of the ‘touch’ came from and moved towards the signal.
‘They are learning. At the start they are rubbing their whiskers with their forepaws,’ said Dr Nicolelis.
‘After a few weeks they develop the scanning behaviour, scanning the head in search for the light, but now it’s not something that bothers them in terms of their whiskers.
‘It’s like driving a car or riding a bike. My suspicion is that these animals are feeling touch, it's different from regular touch in that he is projecting the feeling of touch, not from his body, but to the external world.’
In future, the technique indicated humans who cannot see because the part of their brain responsible for sight is damaged could be helped through a device implanted in another part.
Co-author Eric Thomson said: ‘The philosophy of the field of brain-machine interfaces has until now been to attempt to restore a motor function lost to lesion or damage of the central nervous system.
‘This is the first paper in which a neuroprosthetic device was used to augment function, literally enabling a normal animal to acquire a sixth sense.’ 


Could the sea be conscious? Research reveals how tiny plankton behave like a marine 'megamind'

 Megamind: Despite the amazing diversity of marine microbes, a new research paper shows that many different groups work together to react in unison to their surroundings 
Vastly different species of sea microbes work together to respond as one to their surroundings as if they have one 'megamind', new research has revealed.
U.S. researchers have discovered communities of infinitesimal creatures in our oceans react in unison to changes in their environment.
The links between them are not well understood, but findings suggest the creatures rely on each other to almost the same extent as the different cells in a human body.

As an example, if one set of the microbes were, say, creating energy through photosynthesis, which would then produce carbon dioxide, another set of microbes would somehow know and react - perhaps preparing to absorb the carbon dioxide.
The open sea contains an amazing diversity of extremely tiny organisms called picoplankton, which include relatively simple life forms such as marine bacteria, as well as more complicated organisms.
Microbiologists who study wild marine microbes, as opposed to the lab-grown variety, face enormous challenges in getting a clear picture of the daily activities of their subjects.
To take a look at these creatures in their natural habitat, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute used a new method for collecting marine microbes.

They created a robotic sampling device which dangled beneath the waves to collect samples of one billion microbes every four hours.
Similar to fast photography that stops action, the robotic device 'fixed' each sample so that whatever genes the microbes were expressing at the moment of capture were preserved for later study.
After returning the samples to the lab, researchers used cutting-edge analysis techniques to figure out which genes within the microbes were actively being used at different times of day.
This involved sorting through millions of billions of fragments of genetic material and then assigning each fragment to a specific gene and a specific type of microbe.
In so doing they created a time-lapse montage of the daily labours of a range of microbial species over a two-day period.

'A naturalist like Sir David Attenborough can follow a herd of elk and see how the elk’s behavior changes hour to hour, day to day and week to week,' said Edward DeLong, professor of environmental systems at MIT. 

'But we haven’t been able to observe naturally occurring microbes with that kind of resolution until now.'
Professor DeLong, who is lead author of a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences detailing the research, added: 'We've essentially captured a day in the life of these microbes.
'As little as three years ago, I wouldn’t have even have considered it possible to get such a high resolution picture of microbial population dynamics and activity in the "real world".'
The montage showed photosynthetic microbes, which create the oxygen, energy and organic carbon used by the rest of the food web, ramped up their light-utilising activities in the morning and powered those down at night, just as their domestic brethren do in response to light and dark in the lab.
But the underwater scenes also showed something scientists had never seen before.
Non-photosynthetic, carbon-eating microbes of very different species displayed synchronised, rapidly varying metabolic gene expression - despite the fact that they came from groups as different as humans and fungi.
Some of the genes simultaneously expressed by different species shared the same function — for instance, genes associated with growth or respiration.
Others encoded very different functions, mirroring the varied metabolic capabilities of the disparate species. 

The researchers hypothesised that all these microbes were reacting to the same environmental changes, but that different groups of microbes were responding in different ways.
Although the researchers cannot tell exactly which environmental changes the microbes were responding to, they suspect that the different groups of microbes were working together to obtain different types of food.
For example, some picoplankton could have been consuming large organic compounds such as proteins and fats. In the process, they could have produced simpler organic compounds, such as amino acids, which were then released into the surrounding seawater and consumed by other picoplankton.
'These results show a surprising amount of coordination between marine microbes,' said a spokesman for the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.
'They also suggest that, as in the food webs of larger organisms, many different groups of marine microbes rely on each other to survive on a day-to-day basis.
'This could help explain why so many species of marine microbes are difficult or impossible to grow by themselves in the lab.'


(Norris's Note: If you are reading this blog, then you are probably aware that that the Earth itself is a conscious entity. I feel it is very refreshing to see articles like this appearing in the mainstream news and embracing the possibility that consciousness is not simply a product of the 'mind' (or 'brain'). Is this the beggining of a new paradigm on the way we view consciousness? I hope so!) 

Friday 15 February 2013


When you first came here there were certain things you knew. You knew you were perfect. You knew you were loved. You knew that there was literally an army of angels and guides waiting to do all they could to help if you asked. You knew that using the power of your emotions and the law of attraction you would be able to shape and mould your reality into one that would be of most benefit to your advancement as a spiritual being and that would bring you the maximum amount of joy. You knew that this reality was a game, and that this world was your playground. You hadn’t quite worked out how to use your mouth properly, and hadn’t learned the language that the other people close to you used to communicate, so you couldn’t express the things you knew to the others around you. Then, as you grew older and other people’s beliefs were forced upon you, you forgot all these things. The concept of ‘lack’ crept into your psyche, instilled into you by your parents and close relatives and the school system. How many times growing up were you told “I want never gets”, “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “I cant afford it”? All these comments are formed simply from a belief in lack. If you could only remember what you knew when you came here, you would realise that this isn’t the case. There is no such thing as lack, all there is is a belief in lack, and beliefs can be changed. Your parents didn’t realise the damage they were causing, and their parents didn’t realise it either, it is not their fault, they were only doing what they thought was best for you. School taught you that your life is an accident, a random occurrence formed through random mutations and ‘evolution’, your true divine nature was literally hammered out of you and replaced by the belief that you are nothing more than a clever hairless monkey. These beliefs were passed down many generations, engrained into the mass consciousness of humanity. This was by design of course, the ‘masters’ in charge of the world didn’t want you to know about the power you possessed or what you truly are. They manipulated humanity and its beliefs until we accepted lack as truth, after all, this worked in their favour and made you easier to control. They made you forget your divine nature, that you are a child of the universe, perfect and immortal.

Now we’re waking up. And I am here to tell you that ‘lack’ does not exist. It does not have to manifest in your reality if you don’t want it to. You may have actually come here to experience lack, you may make the decision to create and manifest lack in your reality, and in that case good for you! But you must realise that lack is simply a creation that you choose to create. Instead of lack, focus on abundance. Whatever you put you attention is what you get. The law of attraction is a fundamental law of the universe that ensures you get whatever it is that is resonating with you in that moment. If you focus on lack, you get lack. If you focus on abundance you get abundance. It’s that simple. You knew this when you came here. You were so excited to come to Earth and play around with reality, to create any kind of life that you could dream of. It is time to regain that excitement. It is time to become a Gamesmaster.

Deep in your heart is your connection to the universe and to source. The power of this energy is the most powerful force in the whole of creation. It is the power of LOVE. Use this power to create the things that your heart desires. Now, it is easy to say “I want more money!” Or “I want the perfect partner!” You have to look at how you feel when you say these things. When you say “I want more money”, how do you actually feel? If you feel bad then you are not going to attract more money. If you feel bad then you are focused on lack of money. Be grateful for the money that you DO have. Be grateful that money exists as a useful way to pay for goods and services. Focus on the benefits of money. Focus on all the good things that money could bring you. Imagine how great you would feel going into a store and buying anything that you want. The power of your emotions along with the power of your imagination both focused on the positive aspects of what money can do to bring you happiness and joy means that it is literally impossible for more money not to appear in your experience. Use the same methods to attract your dream partner. When you say “I want the perfect partner”, ask yourself again; how do you feel? If you feel bad or sad that this perfect person is not in your life, then you are focused on lack. Sit back, close your eyes and imagine all the joy and happiness this perfect person would bring. Look at other couples and thank the universe for bringing those people together, be happy for them. Focus on the positive aspects of what the perfect partner would bring into your life. It is my promise to you that this person will appear. Maybe not straight away, that’s not how it works. The universe gives you little ‘time delay’ in you asking for what you want and these things actually manifesting. This is so you can perfect and refine the things you want, or change your mind if you decide its not what you want. If you have not been aware of the law of attraction until now I urge you to start to familiarise yourself with this concept. There are many websites and books available that will help you with this. I recommend ‘Ask and It is Given’ by Esther and Jerry Hicks (http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php). This book will change your life and give you a proper understanding of who you really are, what you have come here for and what you are truly capable of. 

You came here to utilise the power of source, the power of love, the power of creation to create and manifest anything that your heart desires. Slowly but surely you will be able to see the law of attraction working in your life. Use it to mould and sculpt anything that you wish. Reality is like clay, it is soft and malleable. It is a game where you are in control. Play the game how you want to play it. Become a Gamesmaster.


Thursday 14 February 2013

Divine Fragments

We are all one. Separation is an illusion. Everything in this universe was created by a single consciousness and was created by thought. Each and every one of us is a fragment of this consciousness, here to experience what has been created from many different points of view. A good analogy that I like to use is this; imagine a rock or a stone. This stone is the single consciousness that created all things. Now imagine that this stone is smashed into a billion pieces, each one separate and distinct, yet each one still the original rock from where it came. How can they be anything else? Smashing the rock hasn’t changed the rock into a brand new, different rock. It has just changed the rock into many pieces instead of one. It is still the same rock. If you wanted, you could piece all these pieces back together again and you would have the original rock back in the state it started off in. This is actually the journey we are all on. The single divine consciousness, call it ‘god’, call it the ‘universe’, call it ‘source’, call it whatever name works best for you, made the decision to ‘fragment’ itself. It wanted to experience its creation from as many different points of view as possible in order to learn as much as it possibly can about itself. Look at your cat or your dog. What you are looking at is the single divine consciousness experiencing its creation from the point of view of your cat or dog. Look at your friends and family. You are looking at yourself having an experience as your friends and family! Look at yourself in the mirror. You are the universe gazing back at itself and having an experience as you. It may sound crazy, yet it is the truth. You are a fragment of divine consciousness, here to grow and learn and take all you have learned back to source, reuniting yourself back into the original 'rock' that you started as, but with a much greater understanding of what you have created. We are the universe learning about itself. We are invaluable to all of creation.

You may be wondering if this means you may one day lose your sense of individuality, that sense of being ‘me’, I know I have. However, then I realised something. How can I possibly lose my sense of individuality when there is only actually one true consciousness in the first place? I will never lose my sense of individuality, all I will do is become more aware of my many different experiences from my many different points of view. I will become more and more aware that everything is one, and that everything is connected. It’s hard to understand when we are here, seemingly separate in this 3D reality. It all starts with acceptance. Once you have accepted this fundamental truth about the nature of yourself and reality, the universe will sort the rest out for you. You will through the law of attraction gain more knowledge, more insight and more awareness.

When you view life from this perspective of being one it is liberating. There becomes no such thing as good or bad or right or wrong, everything just ‘is’. Even though these things don't actually exist, if we didn’t have the perspective of the opposing polarities of good/bad, right/wrong then it would be pretty difficult to learn. After all, how could you understand happiness if you didn’t understand sadness? How would you know what’s right if you didn’t know what’s wrong? People say things like “there is so much wrong with the world”, but without this how would we ever now what’s right with the world? Each perspective is equally as important as every other. Yes, bad things do happen, but we must remember that this is all part of the learning experiencing. Seeing things as ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ means the things that ‘right’ and ‘good’ come into clearer focus. Just remember that it is all just a matter of perspective. We are then free to choose where we put our attention and in turn free to choose what we experience in our lives.  Our bodies are a lens focusing divine consciousness in this moment. Use the experience to be the best you can possibly be, for in doing so you help not only yourself, but every single thing in the entire universe. Love yourself, for in doing so you love all of creation. Live life the way you want live it, for in doing so you are helping the universe understand itself, and that is the whole point of being here in the first place.


Tuesday 12 February 2013


So, I thought I would start this blog with what I believe ‘oneness’ actually is. What does it mean to be ‘one’? How can everything be one when we can see the individuality of everything? From other humans, animals and plants to individual molecules and particles, using our eyes everything sure doesn’t look like one, it looks like many. Using our noses everything sure doesn’t smell like one, it smells like many. Using our ears everything doesn’t sound like one, it sounds like many. At any one time each one of these senses is bombarded with many different, seemingly separate ‘things’. To truly understand oneness, I don’t believe we can use our eyes, our noses or our ears. We have to use our hearts. It is in our hearts that we find oneness. Due to the unique nature of reality, the gift of free will and our own individual perspectives we might have slightly different ideas as to what oneness actually is or might be. I am going to try and describe what oneness is to me.

Oneness is the recognition and acceptance that everything is connected. From the smallest particle to the largest sun, everything is really one ‘thing’ that I simply call the ‘universe’. Using our ‘normal’ senses everything looks, smells and sounds ‘separate’, and this is part of the grand illusion that we live in. You see, this reality is not real. Science has told us that an atom is 99% empty space. Seeing as you and everything else ‘physical’ is made of atoms that means you too are 99% empty space. This also means the chair you are sat on is 99% empty space, and the house you live in is 99% empty space. Weird huh?

So, if that’s the case what makes up the other 99% we say is empty space? Well the truth is, we don’t actually know just yet. Or at least ‘science’ doesn’t know. There are many theories, from ‘quantum foam’ and ‘strings’ to simply ‘energy’. What we do know is that ‘something’ is definitely there. We can’t see it, but if we use our hearts then we can feel it. Whatever it is, it is the container that contains everything we can see, smell, touch and hear, and it actually makes up the majority of what we call ‘reality’. It is the source of all that is and ever has been. It is the source of everything that ever will be. It is the source of our consciousness, it IS pure consciousness. It is the true 'reality' that the reality we see with our 5 senses springs from. Gregg Braden calls it the ‘Divine Matrix’, David Wilcock calls it the ‘Source Field’, I call it simply the ‘universe’; intelligent, aware and conscious.

A good analogy is to imagine a river or ocean. Imagine the swirls and whirls that you see in the water…. Each swirl and whirl is unique and separate in its own right, and yet not at all separate from the river or ocean. That is exactly like our reality. Every single person, animal, plant, particle and molecule is simply a swirl in the ocean of consciousness called the universe, each one lasting a certain period of what we perceive as ‘time’, before disappearing again into the grand flow of the ocean of consciousness, only to reappear again at another time in a different form. And on and on it goes. The flow of the universe. The flow of consciousness.

Using this analogy, we can see how we are ‘one’. We can perceive ‘oneness’ in respect of us as ‘individuals’. We are simply swirls of divine consciousness, having an experience as a human being, before disappearing into the flow of the universe, returning when we are ready for another experience as a swirl or a whirl, ready to learn more about ourselves and take what we learn back to source, back to the one original consciousness that created all things. For that is what we truly are, a fragment of the one original consciousness that is currently beyond our understanding. We are getting there though, we are awakening to our true selves, and we are realising that in order for us to go on as a race we need to acknowledge that we are one, and that what affects one affects all. Acknowledging we are one means you would never harm another, for you would realise that you are actually harming yourself! Acknowledging we are one means an end to war, an end to poverty, an end to disease and an end to fear and hurt. Acknowledging we are one means we would stop harming the Earth and fix the damage we have caused. We can do this. In the words of a good friend of mine;

“We are the ones we have been waiting for”
