Saturday 23 March 2013

We Are Protectors Of Our Planet

In my opinion, if human beings could only shift their perspective from one of dominance over nature and the animal kingdom, and sense of Earth being 'theirs', to one more focused on 'protection', then we would see a lot of changes.

Isn't it strange how we are the only race on earth capable of pretty much protecting everything else on the planet, including the planet itself? Without getting all spiritual, I believe that is the real reason we are all here. I believe once upon a time, many many years ago, we all knew this, then for whatever reason ('outside' interference being a strong possibility) we all forgot, until we've got to where we are today, where people believe we are actually a cancer of the planet.

Yeah, it might sound all hippyfied, but at the end of the day, its true. We are the only species on Earth capable of literally protecting everything on it. Materialistic people will probably balk at this whole premise, and I feel sorry for them as they have become so detached from their 'true' selves that they think the latest I-Pad is more important than protecting 'dumb' animals and trees.

Thankfully, as I look around, I can see the changes towards this 'protective' worldview happening all around. The process starts with yourself.

Friday 22 March 2013

Blood Oaths - Rh negative Blood and its Significance To the Elite

A very interesting thread has recently been created on the David Icke forum regarding the issue of Rh negative blood types and its significance to the elite Illuminati, and the beings that are behind this group. I am simply going to post a link to the thread as there is quite a lot to get through. I do feel that the guys discussing this are onto something and are joining the dots on something very significant....

Monday 18 March 2013

The Maturation Of The Soul

The nature of consciousness is that it evolves.  Everything is comprised of consciousness.  Non-local consciousness is the ground of all being.  You are an expression of the infinite consciousness that knows no boundaries.  That which looks out through your eyes, that which seems like individual consciousness, evolves.  It was evolving before it put on the garment of the body you presently inhabit.  It evolves in this lifetime.  It continues to evolve after the consciousness has left the body.  There is no beginning or end to you.

So what is the nature of where we find ourselves, located in time and space?  What is this place?  It is a story, both real and unreal.  Evolution occurs in response to crisis.  And from the moment you enter this domain, crying, hungry and helpless, the crisis has begun.  And thus so too has the soul begun a new stage in its evolution.

And then one day or night, the mind will stumble upon a question it simply cannot let go of.  Within the narrow confines of time and space, the mind will ask “What is the point?”  And thus the crisis of self has discovered a new dimension.

A point, the point, is something which can only be located in time and space.  Where else would a point be located?  And yet time and space are but a fraction of that limitless field of consciousness that we might call “reality”.   When one reaches this point of crisis, within the story, this is the invitation to transcend.  The crisis is the invitation.

It may often seem at first that the resolution to this crisis can be found within the world.  And one may search this world, looking for answers.  And there exists no shortage of appealing concepts, belief systems and personalities, which will temporarily satisfy this need to resolve the crisis of self.  The temptation may run high, to drop anchor there and to declare,  ”I’ve found it!”

And one may bask in this illusion until the illusion is seen for what it is, and the illusion fades.  When the illusion fades, these things no longer satisfy.  And when the mind becomes unsatisfied, a crisis occurs.  And in that crisis, one finds the invitation to go deeper.

When the answers provided by this world, slip away like sand falling from the tight grip of your hands, the invitation to go deeper is undeniable.  And yet, the self-concept, with its mandate to survive, will do everything in its power to deny it.

The temptation arises to view ones journey as a series of mistakes.  And in this world, there are entire industries that exist to exploit that point of view.  The proprietors of such an industry promise to fix you, to make you whole again.  But they cannot.  Still, one may need to visit this place to know for sure.  And in time, you will find yourself, back at the beginning, back at the initial crisis of yourself.

Why must this process of evolution be so difficult?  If you knew, would that make it any easier?  The nature of this place we find ourselves is such that evolution occurs in response to crisis.  And clearly we are here to evolve.  Why must this process of evolution, the maturation of the soul, be so painful?  It doesn’t always have to be.  Where is the pain?  Where is it?  Is it not inside your self?  Aren’t you the origin of it?  Where, besides the body and the mind, does this pain exist?

The material world is a part of the spiritual world.  They are not separate.  It’s not either-or.  The material world is an expression of the spiritual world.  So why not enjoy it?

Who is the author of all of this?  Who is writing your story?  If your individual consciousness is a part of the infinite consciousness, a drop of water in an endless sea of consciousness, then who are you?  Isn’t that the real question you have been looking into all along?  That question also looks back, into you.  You are the author, you are the protagonist and you are the antagonist in this story.  There is no story without conflict.  And evolution occurs in response to conflict.  Can you be at peace with that?


Friday 15 March 2013

Former Page 3 Model Leilani Dowding states "The Royals are a Bunch of Shapeshifting Lizards"

Former newspaper Page 3 model Leilani Dowding has recently been featured in The Sun newspaper stating that the Royal Family are a bunch of shape-shifting lizards. Obviously she has been labeled 'bonkers' but if you are reading this blog then you will probably already know that it is certainly within the realms of possibility. An extract from the article is below:

EX-Page 3 girl Leilani Dowding’s body is not the only thing about her that’s out-of-this world — she’s also got an alien obsession. 


The beauty shocked friends by declaring admiration for oddball David Icke and her belief that all Royals are “shape-shifting lizards”.

At a private dinner party during LA fashion week, the bonkers babe told pals she believed the human race comes from a planet called Zeta Reticuli, and a mothership will land on earth to take us all back home.

One mate at the table said: “I was a little shocked by her comments they were pretty out there.

“Leilani kept going on about the Royals being a bunch of shape-shifting lizards, and that the human race are all Thetans, little green men or Grey Aliens. It was all very weird.


Dvid Icke appears on mainstream TV on ITV's 'This Morning' Programme

On Thursday 14th March, legendary controversial speaker David Icke appeared in an interview with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield on ITV's long running 'This Morning' programme. This is fantastic news and a real coup for the truth movement. David was treated with courtesy and respect and not the usual 'he's nuts' attitude he usually receives on mainstream TV (such as the infamous Terry Wogan interview 25 years ago). He managed to talk about things such as infinite awareness and the limitations of the 5 senses rather than being steered towards the Reptilian agenda that he is so often ridiculed for. This is yet another sign for me that things are changing. The truth is coming out and people are listening. David also featured recently on Russell Brands 'Brand X' show on the FX channel in the United States. Watch both interviews below.

Monday 4 March 2013

Mind Over Matter Can Change The World

Yet another very interesting mainstream news report. This time stating that a Russian scientist claims that mind over matter and the secrets of the human aura can actually change the world around us. If you are reading this blog then you are more than likely already well aware that using your emotions and your intention you can indeed change your reality to one that is full of love and joy. To see this kind of information appear in mainstream news is just another sign that the world is indeed 'waking up'.

Check out the report from Russia Today below.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Never Call Them Archons – How You Can Help Bust Up the Matrix

By Cameron Day, on January 31st, 2012

This article has been 15 years in the making, as it took that long for me to be able to distill this information into an accessible format.  This is going to represent a few very important pieces of the overall puzzle of how we are going to shift this planet and everyone upon it into an ascended frequency of being.  One key aspect of this shift is going to be the “cleaning up of consciousness” of all of humanity, which is no small task, to be sure.  This article will cover in detail the major obstacle to this consciousness clean-up, as well as a solution that needs your help to succeed.

I briefly wrote last year about a “living cloud of shadows” surrounding this planet, populated by energy parasites.  These parasitic beings have chosen to experiment with the illusions of separation, fear, darkness, isolation, conquering, enslavement, pain, suffering, torture, etc. to the strongest degree possible.  In doing so, they have completely cut themselves off from the nourishing Light of Being that supports life in the universe.  The result is that they must energetically nourish themselves by feeding on low-frequency energies that resonate with their chosen mode of expression.

These beings call themselves “Archons” which means “Rulers” or “Lords” because they see themselves as the rulers and enslavers of humanity.  (The ancient Gnostics first gave them this title in their writings based on direct psychic experiences with these beings.)   While these unseen being’s clever enslavement and manipulation of humanity has been quite successful up until now, I will NEVER address them as my ruler or superior in any way, just like I wouldn’t consider physical, intestinal parasites as my superior even though they might cause me physical discomfort until I remove them from my body.

Our thoughts have power – much more than we often realize.  Words and titles have power because they frame our thoughts into a certain set of beliefs without us even realizing it.  Calling a “royal” human “Your Highness” automatically places them above you in your mind.  Calling a judge “Your Honor” achieves the same thing.  Therefore it very is important that when you think about these energy parasites, that you NEVER call them “Archon” because you will be literally handing them your power and energy by doing so.

Friday 1 March 2013

Did UFO 'hit' Russian meteorite blasting it to smithereens? Conspiracy theorists’ extraordinary claim after new footage emerges

The meteorite that crashed on Russia was hit by an unidentified flying object causing it to explode and shatter over the Urals, it has been claimed. 

The bizarre theory is based on analysis of blurry footage of the space rock as it streaked across morning sky above the city of Chelyabinsk.

U.F.O enthusiasts insist a small 'object' can be seen colliding with the meteorite on its trajectory through the atmosphere, despite the fact there were no reports of Russia launching missiles to down the celestial intruder, they claim. 

E.T. to the rescue? A new picture showing the Russian meteorite and what is claimed to be a U.F.O (ringed) 

The watchers have seized on the unexplained images and an online debate is now underway in Russia with claims that 'we were saved by a UFO', reported the Siberian Times.

The meteorite exploded in the atmosphere on 15 February with a force as great as 30 Hiroshima nuclear bombs, causing extensive damage in Chelyabinsk and injuring around 1,200 people, many from shattered glass.

Estimated by Nasa to have been 55ft-wide and with a weight of some 10,000 tons, the meteor is thought to have exploded above the Ural mountains with a force equivalent to about 500kilotons.

Nuclear installations in the Urals remained undamaged by the fallout.

'At first, we also believed that the Chelyabinsk meteorite was just an ordinary meteorite, a cosmic body,' said Alexander Komanev, coordinator for the Russian UFO community in Yekaterinburg. 

But on at least three films of the space rock 'you can see how an object catches the meteorite', he said.
This minuscule oblong-shaped object "flies into it - and the meteorite explodes and falls'.
He stressed: 'Such a number of videos, made from different angles, leads us to believe that something has blown up the meteorite...'

He claimed that in the weeks before the meteorite, there was an upsurge in UFO sightings in the Urals, followed by none at all since the incident. 

The 'U.F.O.' is seen close to the tail of the meteorite in another of the images 

Evidence? Another shot of the Russian meteorite which exploded in the atmosphere with a force as great as 30 Hiroshima bombs Proponents of the theory claim there was an upsurge in UFO sightings in the Urals, before the meteorite hit, followed by none at all since the incident

Footage seen ahead of the incident two 'glowing bowls'  seen flying in the sky at night over the village of Chabry. 

Separately in day time, similar objects were seen over Chelyabinsk, it is claimed. 

On both occasions they moved across the sky, disappeared, and then returned. 

Russia has called for major international efforts to develop the technology zap incoming space objects, but there is no suggestion any military strike was made at the meteorite on 15 February which was not spotted in advance.

Footage seen ahead of the incident two 'glowing bowls'  seen flying in the sky at night over the village of Chabry. 

Separately in day time, similar objects were seen over Chelyabinsk, it is claimed. 

On both occasions they moved across the sky, disappeared, and then returned. 

Russia has called for major international efforts to develop the technology zap incoming space objects, but there is no suggestion any military strike was made at the meteorite on 15 February which was not spotted in advance.

The 100,000 tonne rock, measuring around 55 feet in diameter, created a huge hole in a frozen lake when it crashed into the ground.

Scientists have found more than 50 tiny fragments of the meteor, allowing them to uncover information about its contents.

Divers are believed to have located several lumps of the meteorite in Lake Chebarkul in Chelyabinsk region. 

Watch the video below. Shot down or simply exploded in mid air? Make up your own mind.


(Norris's Note: I think this article appearing in the mainstream news website is extremely significant. Mentioning 'alien guardian angels' to me is obviously a reference to the 'Galactic Federation' that are apparently watching over us all. A very interesting development indeed. Could mainstream news finally be embracing the truth about our off world brothers and sisters. Lets hope so. My personal opinion i that this meteor was indeed shot down, although I am certainly open to any other suggestions)